#File naem : out_file
#Purpose: Customize for fastprint use.
#Modified by: Billy Chan(Orbortech Pacific)
#Date: Dec26,2001

# File Name:    out_file
# File Purpose: This file is called during the ADM process. It is a c-shell
#               script which is used to manipulate various parts of the output
#               file dependant on the tool parameters and the machine file being
#               used etc.
# Written by:   Ian Ticehurst (Autom8 Ltd.)
# Version 1A.:  Date: 15.09.00 - Initial design and development.
# Version 1B.:  Date: 27.10.00 - Addition of specific routines to match machine file names.
# Version 1C.:  Date: 05.12.00 - Removal of "gui" alias and "gui" data and response settings (not used).
# Version 1D.:  Date: 16.01.01 - Add check for NT shell version. Also modify gawk calls dependant on version.
# Version 1E.:  Date: 20.02.01 - Ensure that all "gawk" calls are modified to "awk" and that "awk95" is aliased.
############################# Start of notes ###############################
# This file is located in the hooks/ncd directory and forms part of the Auto Drill
# Manager file set. It is a c-shell script which can be configured to provide user
# and site specific modifications to the drill output files dependant on the different
# parameters allocated to each tool (type, size, hole/slot etc.) and also the machine
# file being used. 
# This script is started with one parameter passed to it. This parameters is a file
# which can be sourced ($1). This source file contains details of the drill table and
# the ADM parameters and this is the information that can be used to define any actions
# required. The file contains the following formatted information:-
#set ncLAYER = (drill )
#set ncSET = (test)
#set ncMACHINE = (hittachi )
#set ncNUM_STAGES = (2 )
#set ncNUM_SPLITS = (1 )
#set ncSTAGE = (2 )
#set ncSPLIT = (1 )
#set ncFORMAT = (Excellon2 )
#set ncZEROES = (trailing )
#set ncINCREMNTAL = (no)
#set ncREPETITIONS = (sr)
#set ncUNITS = (inch )
#set ncTOOL_UNITS = (inch )
#set ncNF = (2.4 )
#set ncHEADER_PATH = ("" )
#set ncEOF_PATH = (/genesis/tmp/genesis186b5.1471 )
#set ncTOOL_NUM      = (1      2      3      )
#set ncTOOL_SIZE     = (35.354 74     94     )
#set ncTOOL_SIZE2    = (.035   .074   .094   )
#set ncTOOL_MAX_HITS = (5000   500    500    )
#set ncTOOL_HITS     = (134    14     12     )
#set ncTOOL_SPEED    = (300    300    300    )
#set ncTOOL_FEED     = (85     85     85     )
#set ncTOOL_NIBBLE   = (no     yes    no     )
#set ncTOOL_SLOT     = (yes    no     no     )
#set ncTOOL_CHANGE   = (""     ""     ""     )
#set ncTOOL_FINISH   = (""     ""     ""     )
#set ncFULL_STEP      = ('c1'                              )
#set ncFULL_SR_START  = ('/genesis/tmp/genesis18715.14636' )
#set ncFULL_SR_END    = ('/genesis/tmp/genesis18716.14636' )
#set ncSR_NAME   = (pcb     pcb     pcb     coupon  panel)
#set ncSERIAL    = (1       2       3       4       5)
#set ncSR_DX     = (1.025   1.025   1.025   0.53    0)
#set ncSR_DY     = (0.75    4.75    8.75    6.5     0)
#set ncSR_ANGLE  = (0       0       0       270     0)
#set ncSR_MIRROR = (0       0       0       0       0)
#set ncFULL      = (0       0       0       0       0)
# This file can control the following parts of the output files:-
# 1. The header.                   --- ncHEADER_PATH 
# 2. The end of file.              --- ncEOF_PATH 
# 3. The tool changes.             --- ncTOOL_CHANGE
# 4. The tool finish.              --- ncTOOL_FINISH
# 5. The step and repeat start.    --- ncFULL_SR_START 
# 6. The step and repeat finish.   --- ncFULL_SR_END  
# (Note: the last two options are only available when full step and repeat mode is used
# which is set by the step entity attribute output drill output (yes/no))  
# It should be noted that there is no single output file (as with the set_table hook)
# and the output files are defined by the variables list in notes 1-7 above. These
# variables are only set if the machine file is set to use this out_file program for
# that specific section. Thus, by testing each variable it is possible to know if
# the custom output should be used. It will also be noted that some variables apply
# to the complete output file (ncHEADER_PATH for example) and some apply to each of
# the tool entries being passed.
# If the machine file has any of these sections set to yes, then the program must
# provide that section of the output file. Also, if the machine file has any of these
# sections set to no, the program for that section is ignored.
############################# End of notes ################################ 

# Section to set up general parameters and variables.
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Define correct temp. dir. depending on env. vars.
if ($?GENESIS_TMP) then
else if ($?GENESIS_DIR) then
	set TMP = $GENESIS_DIR/tmp
	set TMP = /genesis/tmp
set aaa = `echo "scale = 1 ; 111 + 222" | bc -l` 
# Set the INFO alias and the tmp INFO file.
set INFO = $TMP/info
alias DO_INFO 'COM info,out_file=$INFO,write_mode=replace,args=\!:*;source $INFO;rm $INFO'

# Detect current operating system.
set CURR_OS = `uname -s`

# If current operating system is NT, set alias to call awk95 as "awk".
if ($CURR_OS == "WINDOWS_NT") then
	alias awk '$GENESIS_DIR/e${GENESIS_VER}/nt/bin/awk95'

# Detect current tcsh version (old = 0, new = 1).
if ($CURR_OS == "WINDOWS_NT") then
	set NT_VER = `echo "$version" | awk -F'-' '{if ($7 < 5.0) print 0; else print 1}'`

# Set variable names for parameter file to source and out_file to write to.
set source_script = $1

# Source standard parameter file.
source $source_script

if ($ncMACHINE == "excellonxd") then  

COM ncset_units,units=inch

cat $1 > ${GENESIS_TMP}/$JOB.$ncLAYER 
if ($ncHEADER_PATH != "") then
  if ($ncMACHINE == "qd_excellon2" || $ncMACHINE == "qd_excellon2_break") then           
 echo "M48" > $ncHEADER_PATH
 echo "MM,LZ" >> $ncHEADER_PATH
   set i = 1
   while ($i <= $#ncTOOL_NUM) 
			 set mmdrillsize = `echo "scale = 3 ;$ncTOOL_SIZE2[$i]" | bc | awk -F' ' '{if ($1 == 3.199)  printf("%4.3f",3.175);else printf("%4.3f",$1)}'` 
       if ( $i <= 9  ) then
        echo T0{$ncTOOL_NUM[$i]}C{$mmdrillsize} >> $ncHEADER_PATH
       	echo T{$ncTOOL_NUM[$i]}C{$mmdrillsize} >> $ncHEADER_PATH
      @ i ++
   echo % >> $ncHEADER_PATH
 if ($ncMACHINE == "qd_excellon2_rou") then 
 echo "M48" > $ncHEADER_PATH
 echo "MM,LZ" >> $ncHEADER_PATH
	set i = 1
	while ($i <= $#ncTOOL_NUM) 
			  set mmdrillsize = `echo "scale = 3 ;$ncTOOL_SIZE2[$i]" | bc | awk -F' ' '{printf("%4.3f",$1)}'` 
	   if ( $i <= 9  ) then
			echo T0{$ncTOOL_NUM[$i]}C{$mmdrillsize} >> $ncHEADER_PATH
			echo T{$ncTOOL_NUM[$i]}C{$mmdrillsize} >> $ncHEADER_PATH
	  @ i ++
   echo % >> $ncHEADER_PATH