################################################# #scripts:test by chris #author: chris #date:2015.08.18 #purpose: ################################################# # The 'set_table' script recieves as input 2 parameters : # # 1. csh script path : the script contains the NC-table and # some other parameters as described bellow # 2. out_file : output file that contains several parameters per # drill entry # # Input 'csh' script example : # ============================ #set ncLAYER = (01-drl ) #set ncSET = (set-exc) #set ncMACHINE = (m1 ) #set ncTHICKNESS = (0 ) #set ncSHAPE = (slot hole hole hole hole ) #set ncTYPE = (PLATE PLATE PLATE PLATE PLATE) #set ncSIZE = (10 16 20 30 32 ) #set ncTOUCH_COPPER = (no no no no no ) #set ncFLAG = (0 0 3 0 5 ) #set ncCOUNT = (10 39735 15 5 40 ) #set ncPLUS_TOL = (0 0 0 0 0 ) #set ncMINUS_TOL = (0 0 0 0 0 ) #set ncDESIGNATOR = ("" "" "" "" "" ) # # Output file structure : # ======================= # # The output file should contain a line of parameters per # each input line. In addition, pilot drill entries can # be added by this script. # # Each line must contain the following values : # # 1. Original index in array (starting with 1) # 2. tool_size (mils) # 3. pilot indicator (y/n) # 4. mode - (regular, nibble, rout) # 5. speed - spindle speed # 6. feed_rate # 7. nibble_type (machine, sw) # 8. stage - drill stage (1,2,3) # 9. rout_mode (sep, same) # 10. maximal number of hits per bit # 11. designator - (if empty - .none) # 12. pilot nibble diameter (the tool size is not enough ...) set source_script = $1 set out_file = $2 source $source_script set path1 = `dirname $PROG` if ($ncMACHINE == "excellonxd") then $path1/xd_set_table.exe $1 $2 #perl $path1/xd_set_table.pl $1 $2 $JOB else perl $path1/set_table_qd.pl $1 $2 endif exit